Sunday, October 27, 2013

Angel Love is every where

Niagara Falls

The rushing water of Niagara Falls moves across upon beautiful shores of life within the bridal veal falls that spans across the loving world of life.The vast waters calls to all in love by the melancholic harmony playing in life of warm Heaven there with waters fresh taste of life for all there!The beautiful streams moves with vast graciousness within as the falls pounds as thunder beating in the kettles of life.The water moves beautifully ,calling to those in love that wants to spend together in life as they feel the spirit of love flow across them when standing upon the ageless wonder of the fall that was once a ice glacier that cold wonders dripping now becomes a marvel for man and touch ones heart forever here on earth.The waters moves swiftly as birds in flight in the blue heavens above Word of beautiful of the heart Niagara is a Indian word from the tribe Iroquois meaning the strait in life,Love is felt always in one heart beating strait as a arrow shot by the warrior of love who is deeply there in Niagara Falls as lovers feels the warmth within that is truly romantic for all in love that is truly beautiful ,magical and is for all eternity!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Northern Lights

The lights shimmer across hemisphere upon the equator across the northern area of life where it is named the Aura Borealis is named after a Roman God of the dawn which spans the heavens with colors of life in green ,which shines beautiful in all the world bring the beautiful wonder of life calling out the span of life .The lights glistens in dawns Heavens of the North of shows of truly dazzling dance of green colors that sometimes shimmers with red that at night seems as it is day light for all that bless by this within that comes true magnificent beautiful of God that shows that life is beautiful for all who takes the time to experience  the true beauty within ,when you look not with your eyes but with your heart always!The Northern Lights are the vast heavenly beautiful for all who is Gods heart beating life here .We are one in life who is family regardless your religion ,ones color of skin ,or name in life because this gift of lasting light of life is flow lasting joy we will share forever in this world that is our home truly for all !